Looking to buy an Instant Pot? Heads up! Amazon has had great deals on the Instant Pot Duo the last two years on Prime Day, their annual “Christmas in July” sale.
[Update 8:46AM EST: It's the Instant Pot 8 Quart Duo on sale - if you want one, hurry on over to Amazon!]
Why am I telling you this? Because, today is Amazon Prime Day for 2017. I’m in Downeast Maine with only a hint of cell phone coverage, so I don’t know any details, but… I have a feeling there will be deals on the Instant Pot today. (And, if we’re lucky, on the new Instant Pot Plus).
Check out the current prices below - I’ve got the list prices, so you can check if a good deal is available:
Instant Pot 6 quart Duo (Regularly $99)
Instant Pot 6 quart Duo Plus (Regularly $119)
Instant Pot 8 quart Duo (Regularly $129 - NOW $89!!)
Also, I am an Amazon affiliate - any purchases made through my Amazon links support DadCooksDinner at no extra cost to you. So, if there’s a Prime Day deal burning a hole in your pocket, please use one of my Amazon links and I’ll get credit for it. Thank you for your support!
Ann Coleman says
I'm sorry I didn't see the affiliate link first! So excited to have a big instant. Pot FINALLY.
My mom always made the most delicious roasts and stews in her pressure cooker while o was growing up. It was avocado green and made an escalating ticking/train coming noise (with a little flickering tab on the top) so you knew that goodness was on its way! I am excited to learn so easy and low-work meals- I have chronic pain/illnesses so the less time I have to be chopping things or standing on my feet, the better.