For the New Year, my resolution is to write a cookbook.*
*No, I don't have a book deal. I think my cookbook will be too much of a niche project, and I'll have to publish it myself as an e-book or through I'll figure that out once I have enough of a book to show someone.
Unfortunately, I can't write a book and keep up with posting three times a week. Starting today, for the indefinite future, my new blogging schedule is posts on Tuesday and Thursday.
*I will have an occasional Monday post, when there is something I want to share that I just can't hold back. Like I always ask: if you want to make sure you don't miss anything, subscribe to the blog (through a rss reader or through email) or follow me on Facebook or Twitter.
Thank you to all my loyal readers. I promise, I'm not abandoning you. You'll just have to get by with a little less of my opinions on food for a few months. Then, hopefully, I'll have something new to show you!
John K. says
Good for you Mike! I'm eager to see what you come up with, and I'm sure you will have many customers, given the following your blog has.
Let me know if you need any photography -- I'd enjoy working shooting some for you.
Good luck!
MikeV @ DadCooksDinner says
@John K:
I'll keep you in mind. When is your food/photography blog coming out? (I'm going to keep pestering you about it until I see some pictures on the web. 🙂
MikeV @ DadCooksDinner says
Thanks! It's good to know I have at least one customer waiting. 🙂
I am a little worried about keeping this blog fed myself. But I want to try to stretch and see if I can do this, so here goes nothing!
Mike says
Good luck, Mike! I would love to conquer something like this, but I'm lucky to keep the blog fed. When you get it done, I will be first in line to get a copy!
MikeV @ DadCooksDinner says
@Tina, Live to Cook at Home:
Thank you for the encouragement! I'm nervous already, and I've been writing my cookbook for a grand total of a half an hour so far...
Tina L says
Good luck! I'm a new follower and have already tucked away several of your recipes I've printed off, cooked and deemed worth repeating (the turkey, beer and onions being this weekend's experiment). I think you have a lot of high quality ideas, techniques and trust that you'll find a lucrative outlet for your cookbook! Cheers, A Mom who Cooks Dinner
Live to Cook at Home says
That is awesome. Your blog is probably tops on my list for recipes I save to make down the road. Good luck on your mission!