Thanksgiving is showtime for home cooks. It is our time to shine, pulling out all the stops to make a feast for family and friends.
I write about rotisserie turkey every year on my blog. In early November, the questions start. A few trickle in early in the month, asking about strategy and tactics. As T-Day approaches, the volume increases, and the questions sound more nervous. On Thanksgiving, when I’m not checking on my own turkey, I spend the day on my cell phone - responding, coaching, cajoling, and in some cases talking people down off the ledge. Trust me - your Thanksgiving turkey will be just fine.
After the turkey leftovers are done, and I’ve had time to recover, I gather any new questions and use them as the basis for next year’s Thanksgiving blog posts.This book is a collection of those years of blog posts and questions, cleaned up and rewritten when necessary. It gives me something to refer to when people ask questions: "Here it is, I wrote it all down in one place!”
I published another cookbook! Rotisserie Turkey is based on all of this blog’s Thanksgiving recipes. I pulled together all the rotisserie turkeys, turkey breasts, drip pan stuffings, and turkey soups I’ve written about, expanded and updated where necessary, and created Rotisserie Turkey. It is the third book in my How To Rotisserie Grill series.1
Rotisserie Turkey is only available as a $2.99 Kindle e-book right now. (The paperback edition is coming in about two weeks, once I finish formatting it.) [Update 2015-10-27]: The Paperback is available for $8.99, with Kindle Matchbook, so you can get the full color Kindle edition for free if you buy the paperback through
Don’t have a Kindle reader? Don’t worry – if you’re reading this post, there is a free Kindle Reader app for whatever technology you’re using.2
Also, to celebrate the new book, I dropped the price of the Kindle editions of my How To Rotisserie Grill series. Rotisserie Grilling is now $3.99, and Rotisserie Chicken is $2.99. If you don’t already have copies, now’s a great time to pick them up.
Amazon Shopper Notes: Rotisserie Turkey is signed up for Kindle Select and Kindle Unlimited for the next 90 days. (If you don’t understand that sentence, don’t worry, it just means you don’t own a Kindle…or pay attention to all of Amazon’s crazy services.)
During the 90 day window, if you have Amazon Prime or are a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, you can borrow Rotisserie Turkey for free. My plan is to let Kindle Select and Kindle Unlimited expire after 90 days; they require a Kindle exclusive e-book, and I want to release Apple iBooks, Barnes & Noble Nook, and Kobo editions. Also, when I finish the paperback, I am going to add it to Kindle MatchBook, which means you’ll get a free copy of the Kindle edition of the eBook if you buy the paperback through Amazon. (Just so you know.)
Help me out
Of course, to help out, please buy my book. But…that’s not all. If you do buy a copy of Rotisserie Turkey, can you do me two more favors?
1. Typos
Let me know if you find any [strike]misteaks[/strike] mistakes. I proofread my books multiple times, but I eventually get “typo blind” - I know what I mean to say, and I gloss over the fact that I’m not saying it. I paid for a professional editor for Rotisserie Turkey, so I’ve already had a second set of eyes look at the book.3
Still, I am terrified that I missed something. I’ve had typos in my books for years, without anyone mentioning them - and knowing there are thousands of printed books out there with a mistake I made…it doesn’t feel very good. If you see something, please email me and let me know? Thank you.
[Update 2015-10-20 - Well, that was quick. I was working on the paperback formatting, and have already found a handful of typos. Version 1.0.1 is on the way.]
2. Reviews
Please, leave a review on Amazon. This is a self-published cookbook, and indie books like mine live and die by their reviews. Of course, my ego would prefer a five star review.4 But, seriously, any review is helpful.
Thank you, and I hope you enjoy Rotisserie Turkey!
I just stumbled on to your website and bought all three books (iBook version). This is a great resource. Also used your link to Amazon to order a rotisserie for my kettle.
Mike V