I'm sorry for all the duplicate posts in my feed and emails this week. My blog move hit another pothole; on Monday something renamed hundreds of my posts. I didn't notice until last night, when I was asked about the Not Found errors that were all over Dad Cooks Dinner.
I had to restore from an early Monday morning backup; all the comments since then are gone, and I had to re-enter the Why Use Cast Iron post. (That's why, if you get my emails, you're getting the cast iron post again today.)
This is probably not related to a different problem - I had a RSS feed issue caused by a Pinterest plugin. When I fixed that ine the result was a bunch of duplicates from last week on Facebook and Twitter. 1
Again, my apologies for all the duplicate posts. To make up for it: Here's a bonus PicOfTheWeek of our Sunday Dinner, simmering, boiling, steaming, and frying on the stove.
Ryan says
I've read those silicone handles are a little big for the non-enamold Lodge skillet. Is this true? What are your thoughts? I've used the quilted ones for awhile. Which do you prefer. Great website by the way!
Mike V says
I don't understand those reviews - the silicone handle fits well on my 12 inch skillet. Maybe they're talking about some of the smaller sizes? I'll have to try it on my 10 inch skillet. I prefer the quilted handles when I'm moving the skillet in and out of the oven; they slide on and off easier. I prefer the silicone handle when the skillet is staying on the stovetop.
Rob says
Where did you get that wonderful looking silicone cover for the handle of your cast iron skillet?
Mike V says
I got it at Lehman's Old Time Hardware, but they are also available on Amazon: