Some say lilacs are the first sign of spring. Some prefer red-breasted robins. Others are fans of April showers bringing May flowers.*
*And what do mayflowers bring? Pilgrims. This is my kids' new favorite joke. I've heard it a hundred times this month. Why should I suffer alone?
**And, I know I shouldn't complain, after the truly bad weather that has hit some sections of the country. But I will anyhow. This year, April showers brought...May downpours. I have three kids in baseball this spring, and most of our games have been washed out. I was thrilled when we got a game in, and the dugout was full of mud. At least it wasn't under three inches of water, like earlier in the week!
Me? I'm a cook, an eat local fanatic. My sign of spring? Asparagus. Asparagus is the sign of good things to come at the Farmers Market; it is in the first CSA box of the year.
I share my love for asparagus often on this blog:
...wait, that's it? I've only posted two asparagus recipes? How can that be? I can do better than that. I'll add to the list with my new favorite, pickled asparagus, on Thursday.
Now it is your turn. My love of asparagus knows no bounds, so I need more ideas on how to cook it.
What do you do with asparagus? What are your go-to recipes when spring rolls around, and piles of asparagus appear at the market? Let us know in the comments section.
*On a serious note: I'm complaining about all the rain we've had, but I feel like a whiner. There are people who have had real weather problems this year. Please donate to Bloggers Without Borders or the Red Cross to help those recovering from the tornadoes in Missouri, Alabama, and Georgia. Thank you. (More information about Bloggers without Borders is available here.)
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MikeV @ DadCooksDinner says
That's a photo from last year at the Farmer's Market. I did get asparagus in my CSA box, but not that much.
Pam says
Did you get ALL that asparagus in your CSA box???
My favorite summer lunch: top your grilled and salted asparagus with a poached egg, balsamic reduction, and shaved parmesan cheese. Elegant and simple.
Deanne says
Shaved asparagus (just use a peeler to get pretty ribbons) with bacon or prosciutto on a white pizza. Extra points for grilling the pizza!
MikeV @ DadCooksDinner says
Wrap in prosciutto - how could I forget that? Thank you.
@Live 2 Cook:
After our lonely two spears of asparagus last year, my wife gave up, dug it up, and planted something else. Too much work, not enough reward.
Shaved asparagus pizza sounds great. Normally my wife is the pizza maker, but I may have to wrestle the dough away from her for a blog post on grilled pizza...
Live 2 Cook says
Did the asparagus you planted come in any better this year? Do you have any good resources on how to grow asparagus? I'd love to start some that I can harvest in a few years.
With asparagus, I usually go with less is more. I usually just rub with olive oil and season with salt & pepper, maybe some garlic powder.
DineInDiva says
It's so good fresh & local, and the season is so brief, I really don't like to over think it. A kiss from high heat via grill or roasting, after a toss with S&P and olive oil. (The different flavored oils from Olive Tap are great here, like the Meyer Lemon).
For an appetizer or general finger food, wrap in a blanket of prosciutto. Earth Fare carries the La Quercia brand out of Iowa - it is heavenly.