I’m digging through my CSA box, seeing what I got this week. Swiss chard - sweet! First bunch of the year! Big head of romaine lettuce - that’s a Greek salad. Snap peas - stir fry, here we come.
Then I see it. Kohlrabi. Two bulbs, one red, one green. My stomach sinks. Darn it, what am I going to do with two bulbs of Kohlrabi?
I’m going to ask my readers, that’s what I’m going to do.
My only recipe takes advantage of Kohlrabi's crunch and turns it into a slaw. I peel it, grate it or slice it thin, and toss it with a vinaigrette dressing.
What do you do with Kohlrabi? How do you cook and serve it? Please leave your ideas in the comments section at the bottom of my blog.
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patrad says
I grew up eating it out of my Grandfather's garden. Peel, slice, salt, eat raw. As an adult eating it, I've noticed it loses it's crispness after about an hour of being salted, but takes on a less raw, more nuanced flavor. Needles to say, I've never felt the need to do anything else with it.
Mike V @ DadCooksDinner says
Drip pan kohlrabi? Yes!
Rhonda says
I make cole slaw. Looking forward to reading other ideas.
Heath says
Peel the outside of it to get rid of the fibrous skin. Dice it, salt it and roast it like you would potatoes (used it instead of potatoes with the rotisserie chicken).
Sherry V says
We just slice it up and eat it raw. It is delicious with a little salt on it.
scheherazadeh says
Made Weekly featured kohlrabi a while ago, maybe you'll find some inspiration there: http://madeweekly.tumblr.com/tagged/Kohlrabi
Monica says
Honestly, we only ever peel, slice, and eat with a sprinkle of salt. I'll look forward to reading other more interesting ideas here!!