[Update 1/25/09 - I was on TV, and I've got the video here: My Big Television Adventure]
Loyal readers, set your Tivos on stun*. I'm going to be on the WKYC Channel 3 News @ Sunrise show next Wednesday, January 20th, some time between 5AM and 7AM!
*I don't expect you to get up at 5AM, just to see my smiling face before your first cup of coffee. You guys are loyal readers, but you're not THAT loyal.
They're doing a segment on DadCooksDinner, and interviewing me and my family about having Dad do the cooking. I'll find out more details tomorrow, when they come to my house to do the shoot.
Then, on Thursday the 21st, Hollie Strano is going to cook one of my recipes as Hollie's Dish of the Week.
This is it, I've hit the big time! I'll be sure to remember all the people who made this possible...
*Um...like my sister-in-law Erin, who is a producer at WKYC. She really DID make all this possible. Thank you, Erin!
A Year on the Grill says
whoot whoot... I think this is how Paula Dean started
Mike says
Hey Mike, that's great!