I'm a rotisserie fanatic because of roast chicken. There is no better way to cook a chicken, especially if it is dry brined and a little smoking wood is added to the grill. Want to get started on rotisserie chicken? Here are my top 5 rotisserie chicken recipes.
Top 5 Rotisserie Chicken Recipes (For Your Grill)
Rotisserie Chicken with Italian Black and Red Pepper Dry Brine A simple, straightforward rotisserie chicken, dry brined the night before with salt and a mix of black and red peppers. This is the chicken I make for myself, more often than not. |
Rotisserie Grilling: Barbecued Chicken When I was a kid, backyard barbecued chicken was pieces of chicken, doused in barbecue sauce and grilled. Want the ultimate version of backyard barbecued chicken? Spin it on the rotisserie. Just remember - don't glaze it with the barbecue sauce until the last 15 minutes or so of cooking. Too long in the heat and the barbecue sauce will burn. |
Rotisserie Chicken With Fennel, Coriander, and Red Pepper Spice Rub Here's a fancier version of dry brined chicken, with a rub of cracked fennel and coriander seeds. Again, I'm adding some red pepper flakes to give it a hit of heat - can you tell I like a little spice in my cooking? |
Rotisserie Chicken with Knob Creek Maple Glaze and Drip Pan Potatoes Bourbon and maple glazed rotisserie chicken is decadent and delicious.1 Please steal the drip pan potatoes idea from this recipe - you want to cook potatoes in dripping chicken juices, no matter what kind of chicken you're making. |
Rotisserie Chicken with Spanish Smoked Paprika Rub Spanish smoked paprika is my favorite "secret ingredient" - it adds a subtle smoky flavor to whatever it cooks. Of course, it goes great with chicken. |
Bonus Video: How to Rotisserie (two) Chickens
What do you think?
Questions? Other favorite rotisserie chicken recipes? Leave them in the comments section below.
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Want to spin something other than chicken? Check out my other Rotisserie Recipes
Looking for even more rotisserie chicken ideas? Check out my cookbook, Rotisserie Chicken Grilling: 50+ Recipes for Chicken on Your Grill's Rotisserie.
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MXC says
My husband made a rotisserie chicken with the Spanish paprika rub last night - it was delicious. He brined the chicken first, and stuffed the cavity with lemons and onions, too. Yum!