The companion video to my most popular recipe, Pressure Cooker Macaroni and Cheese, is now up on YouTube. Check it out:
YouTube: Pressure Cooker Macaroni and Cheese
[Update 2016-04-06]
Yes, I know about the guy on youtube who copied my recipe and didn't give me credit. He was careful about how he did it - he only copied the ingredients list, and used his own words in the video. That means he didn't violate copyright - ingredient lists and techniques aren't copyrightable, only the specific text of a recipe. Even so, what he did is scummy. 1
Instead of trying to argue with him about it - nothing good ever comes from arguing online, I've found - I shot my own video. So, if you want to help out, vote my video up on youtube.
What do you think?
Questions? Other ideas? Leave them in the comments section below.
Related Posts
Pressure Cooker Macaroni and Cheese
Pressure Cooker Sweet Potato Puree
My list of Pressure Cooker Recipes
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Angela Henderson says
Have you ever doubled this recipe? Also do you think it would stay creamy if you kept it on the warm setting after adding the cheese, or would it coagulate?
Liz Tano says
How many cups is 6 oz parmesan cheese?
Mike V says
1.25 cups
Addie Harper+Calvitt says
Thank you for showing me how easy mac & cheese is to prepare in the Instant Pot! I will be making this next week when my grandchildren are in town!
Mike V says
You're welcome!
Sheri says
SO I was watching pressure cooker videos and ran across one that was exactly YOUR recipe, mustard, hot sauce, even the panko step - and commented on the fact - and this is his response - and just thought you might be interested:
+skriddle1968 Never claimed it was a recipe I came up with on my own. I did not get the recipe from dadcooksdinner.com. I've been cooking this mac and cheese for so long at least 18 years. My wifes mom cooked this recipe when she was a kid. So technically I got it from my wife. I have no idea where her mom got this recipe. SOOOOO Genius, I'm not sure if you know this or not but recipes don't belong to anyone and they can't be copyrighted.
Also if I had got this recipe from a website or from a cook book I always note that in my videos and OR on my website.
for example:
The Jalapeno goat cheese cornbread ,came from the magazine cast iron cooking and so did the Browned-Buttered Cinnamon rolls it clearly says it at the bottom of the post as well as the title. go look:
The video for instance of the sausage and potatoes came from a cook book. Go look! ' I could go on and on.... do your research before you start spouting of about stuff you know nothing about Troll!
so shut your FrEAKING PIE HOLE.
Mike V says
Thanks. I know about the video - it's not worth my time to go after him about it. He's right about recipes not being copyrightable- only the text in them. Since he didn't copy my text, just the technique and ingredients, there's nothing I can do. (Other than try to shame him - and from the response you got, it looks like that won't work. ). Thank you for fighting the good fight on this one!
TomW says
GOing to try this tomorrow.
MaryLou says
Looks delicious, Mike! Thanks for posting the video. In a regular manual pressure cooker, should you get the pressure up before starting the 4-minute timing?
Mike V says
Yes. 4 minutes at high pressure.