Check me out - I'm on the front of the food section of my local paper, the Akron Beacon Journal:
Bloggers share love of cooking, eating [ohio.com]
(And...a couple pictures of me grilling dinner: Food Bloggers Gallery [ohio.com])
I'm in an article about local food bloggers, with a picture of me grilling on the front of the paper. (The other blogger they profile is Tom over at ExploringFoodMyWay. Hi, Tom!)
Thank you to Lisa Abraham, our food columnist in the ABJ, for saying such nice things about me. And for taking my ramblings about how this blog came about and making them sound so...coherent.
And, thank you for the canning advice you gave me while we were doing the interview. I was finishing a batch of pickles when she called. "Listen for the ping" she said. She was right - I could hear the ping as the jars cooled down and sealed.
If you're here in Akron, buy a copy!
Or two copies, and give one to a friend. Or ten, and pass them out to complete strangers. That's my plan - I'm going to paper my neighborhood with copies the article, send it to all my relatives, hand it to random passers by...hey, did you see me in the paper today?
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Recipe I'm cooking in the picture in the paper:
Grilled Pork Chops Agrodolce
Grilled Peppers and Onions
MikeV @ DadCooksDinner says
@John K:
Aw, shucks...
So, when is "Cooking with a Canon" starting up?
John K. says
Way to go Mike! I saw this online earlier today and got all excited. "Hey, I know this guy!" Well, sort of anyway..... Great blog, great guy, very deserving of the recognition. I appreciate the time you put into your blog. I've learned a lot from you through it, and look forward to each post. Keep up the good work. (Sure you are not doing it for the $100 a month??). Just kidding...I know it's a labor of love.
MikeV @ DadCooksDinner says
Thank you! I enjoyed your interview about your garden a few months back. Even though my wife is now plotting how to make our back yard look like the picture of your garden that was in the paper...
DineInDiva says
Nice article - congrats on the press!