A Best Fixture (aka A Best Kitchen at AKitchen.com) is a restaurant supply store in Akron that is open to the public. Looking for basic, professional quality, inexpensive cookware? Start here, or at your local restaurant supply store.
By professional quality, I don't mean high end. This is the real stuff, tools used in every professional kitchen from school cafeterias to local restaurants. For some reason, you can't buy them at most stores that sell housewares. Or, houseware stores sell them for ridiculous prices. I don't want flimsy, nonstick "cookie pans". I want professional strength aluminum half-sheet pans that won't buckle if I put something heavier than a cookie on them. I want my bowls to be stainless steel and shallow, not plastic, or glass, or "non-skid" with a handle and pouring lip.
Or having some other so-called improvement to the design. Of a bowl.
And, really, when you're flipping hamburgers on the grill, you want the same spatula that a professional would use, not one of those "grill spatulas" that include sawing edges and a bottle opener in the handle.
*Phew...sorry, I didn't know I had that rant coming on. I feel better now.
I love my expensive kitchen ware. I'm not giving up my All-Clad fry pan without a fight, and I'll give up my Shun knives only at gunpoint. But, if I was outfitting a kitchen from scratch, this is where I would do most of my shopping. For an example, see Mark Bittman's No-Frills Kitchen, where he shows how to outfit an entire home kitchen for under $300. How does he do it? He buys it all at a restaurant supply store.
Me? I have a mix. I have a lot of basics from restaurant supply stores, from the All-Clad factory sale, from Cooks Illustrated's "highly recommended" list, from Alton Brown's shows, and from other random cooking magazine and Internet recommendations. But I'm an obsessive cook. For a minimalist kitchen, you could do much worse than an All-Clad fry pan, a chef's knife that feels good in your hand, a good wooden cutting board, an enameled cast-iron dutch oven
, and everything else from a kitchen supply store. Then, if you use a particular pot, pan or tool a lot, you can upgrade it to a more expensive version later.
A Best Fixture/A Best Kitchen
424 West Exchange Street
Akron, Ohio 44302
Phone: 330-535-2811
Web: www.AKitchen.com
My top five list of favorite items they sell, in no particular order:
1. Half sheet pans: Sheet pans are a jack of all trades in my kitchen. I use them for baking, of course. I also use them for food preparation, to keep ingredients organized and together, and to isolate meat from my preparation surfaces. They are the perfect tray for general kitchen use, and I own about eight of them. Best of all, if you buy them at a restaurant supply store, they're dirt cheap - here they sell them for $7 each.
2. Stainless steel mixing bowls: For food preparation, I like shallow stainless steel bowls. I had a set of nesting glass bowls, but I chipped them all. Stainless just works better for me. And I like the shape of shallow bowls - they make it easier to mix ingredients by tossing them with the bowl itself.
*Kenji Alt just did a post on mixing bowls that matches my experiences, in his usual entertaining style.
3. Mundial Knives: I love my Shuns, and I own a few different Victorinox knives as cheap backups that I can beat up without feeling guilty. I've heard good things about Mundial knives, similar to what people say about Victorinox - they are inexpensive, workhorse knives that are much better than their price would suggest. I picked up a Mundial paring knife at the checkout counter, because I can never have enough cheap paring knives.
*And, if you put your knives in the dishwasher, please do NOT buy anything more expensive than Victorinox or Mundial. High heat and detergents corrode the steel in good cooking knives. Victorinox and Mundial will give you 80% of the quality of the best cooking knives, and if you have to replace them, it won't be a big deal. Just be sure to keep them sharp!
4. Kitchen Gadgets: Spiders and spatulas, muddlers and mashers...oh my. You want it, they have it. They have a potato masher as tall as I am...and I'm 6' 3".
5. The Wall of Pizza Peels: Wood and metal, wide and narrow, short handles and yard-long handles. If you make pizza at home on a regular basis, get yourself a metal peel. You'll thank me later.
Someone asked where I got the 8 quart Rubbermaid food service container I used in my Rotisserie Turkey Leg video - A Best Fixture is where I found them.
Here's the map:
View Larger Map
What do you think? Questions? Other ideas? Know of any other restaurant supply stores open to the public in the Akron area? Any mental tricks on spelling restaurant, which I always spell "restaraunt"? Leave them in the comments section below.
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Mike says
You hit the nail on the head Mike! My local restaurant supply store is one of my favorite places to "hang out"!
growmyown says
Thanks for the heads up. I try not to clutter the kitchen with "one use" items but love to have good practical (read: not overpriced) kitchen supplies. I will definitely check this place out.
MikeV @ DadCooksDinner says
I haven't been to Restaurant Depot - I will have to check them out.
You're welcome!
Sally says
I have purchased all 34 of my half sheet pans from Sam's Club and have been using them for about 5 years now. They sell them 2 for $10.78 (according to their website). It's been a long time since I have bought any so I wasn't sure what the current price was. They are very durable. Restaurant Depot is also a great place for these. I was there today and they were $6 something. Can't remember exactly. Don't know if you have ever been there, Mike. They are off of Rockside Rd. in Independence.
MikeV @ DadCooksDinner says
The parchment tip is a great one - thank you for mentioning it!
Thanks for backing me up on this. I can't believe how much cheaper things are at the restaurant supply store. (Or is it how much more expensive they are elsewhere?)
Helen says
I agree with you 100%! I'm lucky enough to have a card to my local Restaurant Depot in nearby South Hackensack, NJ. Found some great staples there when I started learning about yeast baking. Heavy half-sheet pans, food storage buckets just like they sell at KingArthurFlour.com for a fortune, and best of all, SAF Red instant yeast at under $3 for a pound brick. Everywhere online had it upwards of $5-6! Many restaurant supplies are open to the public, it's definitely worth searching one out in your local area!
Tino says
Brother, you said it regarding half-sheet pans!
Once I discovered the restaurant quality pans for under $10 a piece, I have never even bothered with anything else. In fact, they are so sturdy that I can use an inverted one on a rack in the oven if I don't have my regular pizza stone to bake on and get pretty darn good results.
And for those worried about non-stick and such, let me put your fears at ease. A simple piece of parchment paper will make these pans as non-stick as any coated pan ... without the possibility of the non-stick coating getting scratched or being released into the atmosphere.
A true no-brainer and a must have in my kitchen.
Thanks for the post; I'm going to have to check them out.