Now that grilling season is upon us, I’m relaunching Rotisserie Chicken Grilling. The iBooks, Nook and Kobo editions are now available, to go with the paperback and Kindle editions. To celebrate, I lowered the price of the e-book editions to $3.49. 1
Check out my updated book pages for Rotisserie Grilling and Rotisserie Chicken Grilling - thanks to booklaunch.io, I have fancy pages dedicated to each of my cookbooks.
Inside Baseball
Here’s a little inside baseball about self publishing a cookbook. I love the e-books I get out of iBooks Author - Apple’s formatting is much nicer than the Kindle editions. If the only thing that mattered was appearance, I’d do exclusively iBooks editions.
But…from my perspective, the market for e-books is on Amazon. I sell four times as many Kindle copies as I do iBooks through Apple's iBookstore. (Nook and Kobo are barely a rounding error - I sell a copy a month I’m lucky in their stores). I wonder if the non-Amazon versions are worth the effort.
For Rotisserie Grilling, the paperback is still outselling the Kindle edition three to one. For Rotisserie Chicken Grilling, though, the kindle edition is slightly outselling the paperback edition. Overall, Rotisserie Chicken Grilling sells a lot less than Rotisserie Grilling - I’m hoping sales will pick up as Summer rolls around.
Kindle Updates
For my Kindle edition readers - if you bought an early copy of Rotisserie Chicken Grilling 2, check the book on Amazon’s “Manage Your Content and Devices” page under “Your Account” - Amazon.com/mn/dcw/myx.html/ - there should be an “update” button next to the book, so you can download the latest version. I fixed a couple of typos, added a better index.
Paperback Updates
For my paperback readers - if you bought the paperback edition of Rotisserie Chicken Grilling through Amazon, the Kindle Matchbook price is “Free” - tough to beat. (Especially since, if you’re reading this, Amazon has Kindle reader software that will work on your computer, tablet, or phone.) Go to Kindle Matchbook on Amazon.com - Amazon.com/gp/digital/ep-landing-page - and click on the Get Kindle Edition button. That will get you full color images and a searchable copy of the book.
Coming Soon
What’s next in my How To Rotisserie Grill series? It’s a no brainer - every year I get a surge of people looking for rotisserie turkey on Thanksgiving. I'm rolling my years of turkey day advice into Rotisserie Turkey Grilling, with a personal goal to have it ready by Thanksgiving 2015. To make that happen, Rotisserie Turkey Grilling will be a smaller book than the first two, with a lot of content from the blog, including answers to the questions I get every year. 3
After that? Crazy Rotisserie Grilling is next up. I have a few…let’s just say interesting…ideas for that one. Let me know about the strangest rotisserie recipe you’ve heard of, and it may make it into that book.
What do you think?
Questions? Other ideas? Leave them in the comments section below.
Related Posts
Rotisserie Grilling book page
Rotisserie Chicken Grilling book page
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Lynn says
for Crazy Rotisserie: I've rotisseried bacon-wrapped trout, a ginormous zucchini, bread dough, and homemade lamb sausages--which fell off the spit. Sigh. And I have photos of a flaming turkey if you want one for your turkey book. (The inside was still good, though.)
Mike V says
Thank you for the ideas! Did you do the trout in a basket, or directly on the spit? (I'm planning a whole salmon, if I can get it to fit.). And...bread dough?
Lynn says
Speared the trout (it was a big one, farmed, from Whole Foods) right through the middle. Wrapped bacon around it and stuck a pice inside it along with lemon, and sprigs of fresh parsley and thyme. I'll see if I can figure out how to upload the photo. Another thing we've done is truss two fish to either side of the spit.
Bread dough--I sort of wrapped it around the (thoroughly cleaned) spit, like those doughboys I used to make over the campfire in Scouts. It needs to be relatively thin pieces of stiff dough. Worked out OK--but cooking the dough straight on the grill was easier.
Mike V says
Thank you for following up!