I’ve looked at Rancho Gordo beans, but have not ordered because the shipping cost puts them just a bit beyond what I want to spend on beans. What’s your approach to keep orders financially reasonable?
Commenter Chris
Well, commenter Chris, I have two answers…
Buy Big (beans) or go home
At the time I write this, Rancho Gordo offers free shipping on orders over $50. Beans keep for a while, so I place fewer, larger orders of beans to get the free shipping.1
The picture at the top of the post is from a recent order, stocking up on the beans I use the most:
- Midnight Black
- Pinto
- Domingo Rojo (small red)
- Garbanzos (Chickpeas)
- French green lentils
- Black caviar lentils
Rancho Gordo beans are a splurge, and I’m willing to pay more for good ingredients
It may seem silly, spending this much on beans. I mean, they’re just beans, right? They cost a buck a bag at the grocery store.
Rancho Gordo beans are expensive. I heard about how great they were for years, but I could never bring myself to pull the trigger and spend the extra money for them. And then…my wife brought some home from a trip to San Francisco.2 Once I tasted a pot of Rancho Gordo beans I was a convert.
Now, don’t get me wrong - home cooked beans, even from the grocery store, are a lot better than canned. I still buy dried beans from my local stores, too, when I need them in a hurry. That said, I buy the vast majority of my beans from Rancho Gordo. I’m fortunate enough to have room in my budget for splurges, and buying high quality ingredients is one of the ways I treat myself.
If $50 in beans sounds ludicrous, I understand. If $50 in beans is beyond your budget, I’m sorry. These beans may not be for you. That said…if you have the means, try them, and you may be surprised at what you’re willing to pay for beans. I was!
Rancho Gordo link: Rancho Gordo New World Specialty Food: Heirloom Beans, chiles & corn
UPDATE 2020-04-09: This is *not* a sponsored post, as much as it may sound like one. I really do love these beans. I am not reimbursed in any way, and I pay for all my beans. Now, if Rancho Gordo wanted to sponsor me, or had an affiliate program, I'd jump on it in a heartbeat...and tell you as part of the post. (It's not weird to dream about a bean sponsor, right? But, I have a feeling there isn't a lot of money in heirloom beans.) Until then, this is #NotSponsored in any way.
What do you think?
Questions? Other ideas? Leave them in the comments section below.
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Jack Turner says
I really appreciate that you have recipes for a lot of the beans that Rancho Gordo sells. Their beans are just so fresh and cook up so nicely. The Midnight black bean is awesome and I never knew chickpeas were so delicious as I'd only had canned chickpeas before. RG's chickpeas are so creamy and delicious. And don't get me started on their hominy. It is just the bomb. I often eat it pan-fried with just some cilantro, cheese and crema. I have four bags of that I'm cooking today to freeze. It takes pozole to a completely different level. Totally worth it!
Mike Vrobel says
Thank you, and I agree!
Emily says
Unfortunately they're almost entirely sold out no doubt because of COVID-19. Disappointing but understandable. I'll have to try again in a few months.
Mike Vrobel says
I've heard that from a few emails - hopefully they'll be able to get caught up and restocked!
Connie Berggren says
I too was skeptical, when an online cooking friend/mentor and Sacramento resident went on and on about them. I messaged her and asked if they were really that different. When she assured me they were, I placed a $50+ order and was blown away. I immediately got on the wait list for the bean club and was added last fall; I will remain a beaniac in perpetuity. What my husband first called a splurge we now consider a staple. He has me talked into making a "bean lover's" pizza. Gotta go get some beans going...
Mike Vrobel says
Bean Lovers pizza sounds amazing!
Jen says
I first heard about Rancho Gordo from your website. I was lucky enough to get a spot in the bean club last fall. My family (even my teenage sons) loves beans, so it has been a tasty adventure.
Shari says
Rancho Gordo beans are the best I've ever eaten. So fresh, they cook up fast so I don't even bother using the Instant Pot. It's a great company, too. Worth every penny, and an inexpensive source of quality protein.
Debbie says
I was given the bean club as a Christmas gift over a year ago. I love these beans. I didn't realize there were so many varieties and the taste of even those I use to get at the store (pinto, mayacoba) are so much better. I like cooking the whole pound and then freezing them for either recipes or just to enjoy on a chilly evening. I've now converted five friends into purchasing them and they are on the wait list for the bean club. So worth it!
Brenda says
12 servings in 1# of beans. You sure don’t get 12 servings of meat for $6!
low and slow says
Don`t know where commenter Chris lives but I`m fortunate to live near Sacto. CA. about 70 miles from NAPA and can find most varieties in stores here.The bean club offers beans not available in stores.BTW they have popping corn,wild rice,Mexican Oregano and hot sauce to name a few other products. Yes the beans are a little pricey but a 1-LB. bag makes a lot of meals for $6.00 so the quality to me is worth it.
Lauren says
I’m on the bean club wait list. Yes a splurge but good quality & good people. Happy they’re being discovered but already figuring they’ll sell out of everything & anything until next harvest.
Laurie O'Neill says
I 100% agree with you about Rancho Gordo beans. You don't get it till you try them! Lately they have gotten so much publicity (well-deserved) that the rest of the country will be finding this out too!